About Kim Cash
Kim Cash faced a prison of her own making
While Kim Cash was never involved in crime, she faced a prison of her own making. Alcohol was a constant presence from a young age, and the partying lifestyle felt natural. Although raised in a Catholic home, the Gospel and Jesus’ teachings held little significance for her. After her second marriage ended, Kim’s world shattered. She lost everything—money, income, nest egg, and family. On top of everything, she was over 40 pounds overweight, and her self-esteem was at an all-time low.
"I was so lost and broken. I had been seeking something all my life, and I never knew it was God."

About Kim Cash
Kim Cash faced a prison of her own making
While Kim Cash was never involved in crime, she faced a prison of her own making. Alcohol was a constant presence from a young age, and the partying lifestyle felt natural. Although raised in a Catholic home, the Gospel and Jesus’ teachings held little significance for her. After her second marriage ended, Kim’s world shattered. She lost everything—money, income, nest egg, and family. On top of everything, she was over 40 pounds overweight, and her self-esteem was at an all-time low.
I was so lost and so broken. I was seeking something all my life, and I never knew it was God.
In November 2013, Kim came home to an empty house—her husband and most of her possessions were gone. “My ex-husband was the main provider of the home for the last 20 years, so when he left, everything I knew left,” Kim said. Stripped of everything, she cried out to God. “I was so lost and broken. I had been seeking something all my life, and I never knew it was God.”
Kim’s journey to Christianity began with a friend’s simple invitation to Southeast Christian Church’s Blankenbaker Campus in August 2015. “I heard the Gospel for the first time in a way that made sense to me,” Kim recalled. She also saw the movie War Room fourteen times in two months, which profoundly impacted her. A quote from the movie, “I’d rather have a man chasing Jesus than a house full of stuff,” resonated deeply with her. It reminded her of her broken marriage and her need for God. The combined impact of the movie and the church services she attended every week at Southeast led her to commit her life to following Jesus. On November 15, 2015, Kim accepted Christ at a Southeast service and was baptized. But something was still missing.
"I soon realized that the missing piece in my spiritual journey was discipleship."
Kim met her future husband, Tony Cash, in a church group, and as they got to know each other, his story captured her heart. But it was how Tony began to disciple Kim that had the greatest impact on her life. “I soon realized that the missing piece in my spiritual journey was discipleship,” Kim said. She saw hope in what Tony was teaching her and realized that whatever she was going through, that hope was found in Christ. And Tony helped her to see that.
On September 2, 2017, Tony and Kim married. Despite working 60-plus hours a week and hiding her drinking habits, Tony saw her struggle. In December, Kim asked Tony how to find the strength to quit drinking once and for all. Tony told her, “Kim, leave it at the cross. God didn’t save you for you to keep falling. By His stripes, you are healed.” It was a profound moment in her journey. Kim said, “I visually left it at the cross, walked away, and I never looked back.”
"I soon realized that the missing piece in my spiritual journey was discipleship."
Kim met her future husband, Tony Cash, in a church group, and as they got to know each other, his story captured her heart. But it was how Tony began to disciple Kim that had the greatest impact on her life. “I soon realized that the missing piece in my spiritual journey was discipleship,” Kim said. She saw hope in what Tony was teaching her and realized that whatever she was going through, that hope was found in Christ. And Tony helped her to see that.
On September 2, 2017, Tony and Kim married. Despite working 60-plus hours a week and hiding her drinking habits, Tony saw her struggle. In December, Kim asked Tony how to find the strength to quit drinking once and for all. Tony told her, “Kim, leave it at the cross. God didn’t save you for you to keep falling. By His stripes, you are healed.” It was a profound moment in her journey. Kim said, “I visually left it at the cross, walked away, and I never looked back.”
Within the next several months, Kim felt the leading of the Holy Spirit and left her job to follow Tony into the mission field.
On September 2, 2017, Tony and Kim married. Despite working 60-plus hours a week and hiding her drinking habits, Tony saw her struggle. In December, Kim asked Tony how to find the strength to quit drinking once and for all. Tony told her, “Kim, leave it at the cross. God didn’t save you for you to keep falling. By His stripes, you are healed.” It was a profound moment in her journey. Kim said, “I visually left it at the cross, walked away, and I never looked back.”
In January 2018, Tony quit his job to become a missionary to serve in West Louisville through Team Expansion. Several months later, Kim decided to leave her job and follow her husband into the mission field. “I heard God say to me, ‘You’re not serving an almighty dollar; you’re serving an Almighty God,’” Kim said. She began to use her skills to amplify their ministry efforts, fully committing to their mission to be disciples who disciple and train others.
Kim Cash is the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Freedom Lake Ministries. She is a highly committed servant leader who works alongside her husband, Tony Cash, helping men break the cycles of addiction and incarceration and become the men God created them to be.