A Christ-Centered Pathway to Recovery

Being A Human Boomerang

Freedom does not mean a person can do anything he or she wants without consequence. Freedom comes with responsibility and accountability. 

Freedom requires discipline and self-control. 

And this is why so many men freed from incarceration struggle and, often times, end up back behind bars.

There is a missing link in our system when we release men/women from prison, that link is walking with them in discipleship and helping them adjust to the free world by placing them in an environment that is structured similar to what they have had for however long they were incarcerated. You can’t take people who have been used to everyone telling them what to do, when to eat, when to sleep, when they can go to the doctor, when they can have visitors, when they can talk on the phone, etc. 

Releasing those who have been incarcerated, especially those who have been in and out of the system for many years, and expecting them to live in the world like we do is too much for them. Over the past two years, we saw a need for these men to have a transitional place for a select few who are committed and dedicated to stay on path in their relationship to Christ, their service of God, and in being disciple makers. 

It’s  been overwhelming to us having seen time and time again men we have discipled wind right back up in prison. We are weary of seeing solid men who have been truly obedient to the 3Thirds Discipleship Training walk out of the prison system with nowhere to go but either back to their old surroundings or to a transitional house in crack alley. Satan is ready to destroy them!! 

But we CAN do something to stop this. 

Tony has witnessed firsthand that men incarcerated turning to the Lord would have a greater chance of spiritual growth and success if provided an atmosphere filled with peace and love that comes from the Lord, and not an atmosphere dominated by chaos and hate that normal prison life provides.

We are fighting for people like Anthony. Recently he wrote us the impact our ministry has had on him. He writes…

“As a career lifelong criminal, on my last charge, I see I needed a change in my life. Facing 10 to 20 years, I hit my bottom. With the fire from the pits of Hell surrounding me, I found my fight on my knees praying to GOD to once again get me out of my mess. Ultimately, I was sent to the Healing Place. I learned there to fight my battle with my addictions and myself but was not growing spiritually. I knew GOD, was raised in church but choose the wrong paths for my life. While I was there, I was still breaking the rules and ultimately was kicked out and sent to another facility – a Substance Abuse Program (SAP).

I was mad, angry, and depressed, but God was not finished and seen I still had things to work on and plenty of room to grow. 

It was at this facility that I met Tony and Kim Cash and was introduced to the 3Thirds Discipleship Bible Study. I always thought I knew and understood the Bible, but the 3Thirds broke it down to me and made something that looked silly at first so simple that I got a new understanding and started to grow more. I see where I was wrong in my growing pains, and what I had to do. After hearing Tony’s testimony multiple times, I realized that I still had something I had to do. I had to SURRENDER completely to GOD!After talking to Tony, I realized where I was holding onto anger for people. I needed to let it go and PRAY for GOD to BLESS the people that I was mad at. After doing this, I seen a new light and GOD opened a new path for me. And now with what I am learning, I want to do more.

My openness to grow more came not only from hearing Tony and Kim’s testimonies but from a volunteer who came in and shared her story on one of the night’s Tony and Kim have for us at the facility called, Fellowship Night. In her story she mentioned two things that hit me hard, Ephesians 6 and HALT. In Ephesians 6 verse 18 it says, “Pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion.” This and the 3Thirds taught me not only to read my Bible but also to pray at all times; not just when something bad is happening or when someone is sick but also when GOOD things come our way. To stay in prayer and be thankful for what our GOD does for us.

I came to the 3Thirds Discipleship Study LOST, but now I AM FOUND. I came in ALONE, but now I have a fellowship of brothers that is stronger than anything out there. I came in BROKEN, but through GOD’s Word and prayer, I was put back together like a 5,000- piece jigsaw puzzle. I came in AFRAID, but now with GOD and this fellowship I know I can withstand anything the devil might throw at me. “

We are fighting for men like Anthony to not only experience physical freedom prior to their release but to grow in their freedom in Christ and become disciple makers before they are released. 

During this season of COVID, God led us to begin this new phase for the Anthony’s of the world who need a place – a sanctuary, if you will – to continue their spiritual growth in a truly safe space for a short time before returning to “normal life”, and it begins BEFORE the men leave the facility. We are referring to this phase as The Way since it will be a place of transition that gives them a fighting chance to become the men God always intended them to be before a fallen world infected their lives with sin.

This phase is the much-needed next step of providing a place for the men to “get out of the rain” while they are incarcerated to help ensure their success in growing into strong, mature men of God that become assets in any environment and meets these men where they are now and provides the support to allow them to move into a leader position with the 3Thirds Discipleship Training.  These men will take up the challenge to replicate their growth in those around them to better equip qualified leaders using the advanced tools we provide.

These advanced discipleship tools will help to renew their minds and equip them with the ability to help others and not just themselves. This phase and these tools will not be for everyone; they will be for the men who are ready for the rigor and the challenge of being who God wants them to be, who have demonstrated their commitment to that end.

This phase is the 20-man dorm we have been granted inside the facility that we have named “The Way”, and it is the next step in their journey that leads to Freedom Lake – the property we are seeking that these men can apply to for home placement after they are released from the facility so they can continue to grow spiritually for the next 12 to 18 months.

The Way will provide the structure, schedule, and support that will ease their transition to “normal life”, as each man continues to grow spiritually; teaching them to be men of honor, men of integrity, men that their families can count on, men that will make a difference in the community.

These men will learn how to depend on God for guidance and to seek His direction for their lives prior to being released.

This will be mission critical in helping them continue their walk with God, to defend themselves from spiritual attacks, to be able to make good choices back in the “real world”, and to be rock-solid disciple makers.

We invite you to come hear more stories like Anthony’s, to experience what God has accomplished through our ministry during the past 12 months, and to learn about an exciting new opportunity for spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God called Freedom Lake