A Christ-Centered Pathway to Recovery

Being Mary In A Martha World

One of our team members is fond of saying, “I’m spontaneous… in a planned sort of way.” While amusing and self-deprecating, it brings up the conflicting natures within people – the person who needs structure and the person who seemingly flies by the seat of his or her pants. 

Structure and time rule our daily lives. 

The alarm clock gets us up each morning so we can carry out our morning routine to get us to work on time so we can execute our daily duties and responsibilities until day’s end when we rush home for dinner or for some other commitment (like a kid’s athletic event) until we return home to watch television or read before going to bed and do it all over again the next day (and the days after that). 

We all live within structure but how do we handle when a circumstance disrupts our routine and knock structure on its ear? 

People who seem to wing everything aren’t phased in the slightest, often excited by the break from the monotony. People who need structure tend to handle disruption poorly because they are struggling to restore order.

There are a couple of amazing women names Mary and Martha who epitomize the conflict in natures and in life philosophies. Both women love Jesus.

However, Martha thrives on structure and order. She believes God is in the details. She loves planning. Martha loves getting together with friends but wants to make sure her house is immaculate before company arrives. 

Mary is truly a woman of the moment. She believes the Lord will provide and isn’t concerned about how His provision happens. Mary is spontaneous and flexible, delighting in a sudden opportunity to catch up with a friend.

As you may have guessed, Martha and Mary are the very same women from the story in the gospel of Luke. In the account, there was a day when Jesus and his disciples stopped to visit Martha and Mary in their home. 

Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening intently to his words. Meanwhile, Martha was distracted, working frantically to prepare and serve a meal for her welcome yet unexpected guests. Martha grew frustrated and complained to Jesus, asking him whether he cared that her sister had left her to fix the meal alone. She told Jesus to order Mary to help her with the preparations.

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42, NIV)

This provides us with an important lesson in our lives. 

The Marthas of the world are focused on the tasks, the obligations, the duties of daily life and believe nothing else should happen until the tasks have been completed. 

The Marys of the world are focused on relationships and ministering to others, not burdened with how situations will resolve themselves. 

Which are you?

Now, I’m not trying to marginalize the Marthas out there and elevate the Marys. Each are definitely needed in the world. However, when it comes to living like Jesus taught us, we need to embrace our inner Marys.

When the opportunity to minister to someone during the course of your day, would you consider yourself a Martha or a Mary? 

When “interrupted” while getting gas, ordering a coffee, running errands, at a child’s event, or at the intersection where a person holds a sign seeking help, do you shift your focus away from your schedule or structure or do you veer away from the “disruption”?

God and Jesus have never been ruled by time and never will be.

In the book of John when Jesus looks to Heaven and says, “The hour has come”, He was not looking at his watch but realizing the moment for Him to act as God desired had arrived. 

Jesus, ever at the Father’s feet, trusted Him and acknowledged His sovereignty in all things.

How about you? 

Are you comfortable and confident sitting at the feet of Jesus? 

When your schedule is disrupted – or interrupted – by someone God intended you to minister to or come alongside in relationship, do you embrace it like a Mary or complain about it like a Martha.

Always remember, Martha moves with urgency. Mary moves with purpose.

In all candor, I’m struggling right now embracing my inner Mary. 

Freedom Lake is a reality and we have three men who will be released at the end of July 2021 and we are preparing for them to move into the first Freedom Lake house as I write this.

Three more men who have been vetted and accepted to move into the Freedom Lake Disciple Apprenticeship Housing will be released in mid-August with another three men scheduled for release in September. 

We know that the men we serve are at a critical juncture in their lives and the Disciple Apprenticeship at Freedom Lake can mean the difference of a life of freedom in Christ or a life most likely leading to a return to incarceration.

Disciple Apprenticeship… that’s what makes Freedom Lake unique.

The original 12 disciples are wonderful examples of what it means to be an apprentice. They were invited into the fullest ministry of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They were taught, equipped, prepared, and made ready for a life of service.

That’s the focus for the first 12 months at Freedom Lake. We will prepare the men for a life of service whether they chose to become a missionary or go back into the workforce. They will put into practice what they learned in the 3Thirds Discipleship training classes as they participate in community service projects.

Tony and I are seeking two more houses before the end of 2021 and we need to secure the fundraising dollars necessary to purchase these homes and to provide the support these men need.

God has called Tony and me to an amazing work which can also be frightening because there are moments when I wonder how we’re going to do what needs to be done. And that’s when I remember I need to channel my inner Mary, focusing on what God has asked me to do and let Him handle the details. I can rest in the fact that God will do His will through me. 

God wants us to see what we can accomplish when we sit at his feet and trust Him. 

Instead of seeing the dollar signs needed to make the next phase of Freedom Lake happen, we are focused on seeing God’s riches coming out through His people as they bless Freedom Lake as He has called them to do. 

And we thank God daily for moving hearts and providing all that Freedom Lake needs to house these men so they can continue to grow spiritually, seek God’s direction for their lives, and prepare for a new way of living in the free world.