Pray For Our Nation

Please join us as we pray for our nation.

Going back to the Old Testament, God told His people to obey their masters, to adhere to the edicts of their rulers. He did not say accept evil but God said serve others as though they were serving Him. God’s directives for us remain the same as they did in the Old Testament.

America was built on the principles of a Christian people to worship God however an individual – not government – chooses to do so. This nation has faced many challenges over its history and today is no different.

However, a poison runs through our society that divides us – politics.

It’s not politics, in general, that is a threat but that everything has become political. The weather, the pandemic, the color of one’s skin, riots, the flag, the national anthem, law enforcement, the military… you name it… comes down to what our political affiliation is.

In short, politics has become its own religion. Satan wants to divide us and he can use the simplest things as a tool to do so – like politics. We have become so concerned about being right than doing right that we bicker and fight and accuse each other of the most heinous things.

And Satan laughs.

We love America.  We believe in God. We believe we are all sinners. We confess our sin and turn from our wicked ways so God can “hear from Heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land.”

God calls us to submit. God calls us to reach out. God calls us to be peacemakers. But peacemaking is difficult to do when we’re constantly pointing fingers at one another.

It is okay to be proud of the United States of America and the God-given freedom we enjoy. It is good, necessary, and responsible for us to register and vote. Voting is not just being a good citizen and doing your civic duty, this is also about submitting to God’s directive about participating in our government, and selecting our leaders to whom God asks us to submit.

But never lose sight that, one day, this will all fall away and we will be reunited with God. On that day, when we stand before God, He will not ask who we voted for or what our political affiliation is but instead He will ask who we loved, who we shared the gospel with, and if were we faithful and obedient to Him.

Would you join us as we pray for our nation?

“Lord, I pray for healing and I pray for peace. I ask that you put a calming hand on all of our hearts and help me to be a peacemaker. I pray we recognize Satan’s role in using politics to divide us to keep us separated and distracting us from sharing the gospel. I pray that all of us – regardless of political beliefs – would take a step back to look at doing right, not being right so that we may actually solve the problems that affect so many people around us. Lord, I pray that I would use other people’s disagreement with my beliefs as an opening for conversations about the gospel, as an opportunity to share Jesus. I pray that you would remind all of us to see people as Jesus saw them and treat them as He did. Father, help us bring about justice in the tradition of Isaiah, a tradition of helping the widows, the orphans, and the oppressed. So many people are oppressed in a variety of ways and I pray you would send us to minister to them. Lord, I pray that people who are tired of the bitterness and resentment would look in a mirror – as we all should – and realize the solution begins with us and how we treat one another. I pray that you would bring us about being a united America again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”