When you don’t want to celebrate freedom from a monarchy
Every July 4th we as Americans celebrate our freedom. We celebrate our freedom as a nation no longer being ruled by a monarch. But we as Christians should also celebrate our freedom as a slave of Christ and being part of an Eternal monarchy – the Kingdom of God.
Freedom can be thought of as being able to do whatever you want but it isn’t.
Freedom comes with being accountable and with consequences for breaking away from accepted ways of acting that is against the interest of your fellow humans. Biblical freedom is that we are no longer slaves to sin, that we are free to have a relationship with Christ, with the Father, and with the Holy Spirit.
We are no longer burdened by having to measure up to standards placed on us by society or that we place on ourselves. We are free to stop chasing momentary pleasures to fill the hole within us that seems never to be filled until we realize that hole within us is God-sized.
History books – as well as the Bible – show countless examples of how physical freedom can come and go with a change of rulers, change in governments, and change in societies. We see that Earthly freedoms are not absolute and can be somewhat fickle. The freedom that is absolute and never changing is the freedom we have in Christ and with our restored relationship with God. These freedoms are ETERNAL.
Regardless of the whims of society, laws, and government here on Earth, we remain eternally free from the bondage of sin and of sin’s consequences; free from hopelessness and despair and; ultimately, freedom from death. These freedoms are found only in Jesus Christ.
As we celebrate this 4th of July, while we remember that all Americans are celebrating their independence from an earthly monarchy and freedom from an oppressive rule, too many Americans still do not enjoy the freedom that comes with a relationship with the Son and the Father and being ruled by an Eternal monarchy. The consequence of God not ruling their lives comes with an oppression that will never be overcome until that particular battle is won by surrendering to Jesus Christ.
For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. ~2 Corinthians 3:17